New CD: Labyrinth

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Blogging again

It's been a hectic few months involving a change of job for me and some health issues for Mrs R, so blogging has been neglected.

We had a great gig back in August with Bruce Pumpa & the Flying Sourcerers plus Jeremy P Martin at Gertrude's Brown Couch.  Some mix ups with the times and the bands sat around for a while waiting for the place to open. No matter, big crowd and lots of fun.

It was the first time we played all the rehearsed tracks (6) from the up coming next CD, pretty pleasing really. Nailing that "breakdown" in March Right in was very satisfying. We also played a song by Birchy and Tony - Carry me home - nice tune boys and a first for Chris.

The DVD from the prior gig is back, thanks to Thom and the boys. We will give these some YouTube AirPlay soon.
